Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today Mom & I were snowed out of church. Yes, in St Louis, 8 inches of snow shuts the city down. So while us previous Utah dwellers roll our eyes, it did give time for enjoying the first bit of sun in 2 weeks, and the start of Southerland sugar cookie baking. Lots of snapshots... most for dad and the brothers away from home! 4 days poppa... see you soon!

*8 inches at Pleasant Grove*
*Icicles on the back porch*
*Poppa's old Schwinn*
*The dogwood out front*
*The snowed-in Schwinn*
*Some green peeking through*
*Mom's butterfly*
*Left-over fall*
*Perfect Christmas-y*
*Cookie Cutters and Yummy Cookie men*

1 comment:

Emily S. said...

they look perfect! The pics, the cookies, everything. Thanks for hosting us for the afternoon!